One of the first things I wanted to do in Powershell was to get a value from a registry key on remote servers and show it to me in a list. For example, we use a backup program called Tivoli Storage Manager. If I want to see what version of the TSM client I have installed on all of my managed servers, here is a script that will do it.
A few things to note about this script. I'm using another function to get the list of servers that I want to check (see my previous blog post for more information). This script will actually ping each server before running get-wmiobject because get-wmiobject has a long timeout, and I dont want to have to wait 60 seconds for every server that may not be on the network.
$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
$starttime = get-date
$HKLM = 2147483650
$servers = get-servers
$auth = get-credential admin
# display the header info
write-host $('{0,-17}{1}' -f "ServerName","TSM Version")
write-host "--------------- -----------"
$count = 0
# sort the computer names and get various wmi info for that server
$servers.keys | sort | foreach `
$ping = get-wmiobject win32_pingstatus -filter "address='$_'"
if ($ping.statuscode -eq 0)
if ($servers.$_ -eq "ad" )
$reg = get-wmiobject -list -namespace root\default -computer $_ | where-object {$ -eq "StdRegProv" }
if ($? -eq $false)
write-host $_.tolower() "...wmi query failed." -foregroundcolor Red
$tsmver = $reg.getstringvalue($HKLM, "software\ibm\adsm\currentversion\backupclient","ptflevel")
write-host $('{0,-17}{1}' -f $_.tolower(),$tsmver.svalue)
$reg = get-wmiobject -list -namespace root\default -computer $_ -credential $auth
if ($? -eq $false)
write-host $_.tolower() "...wmi query failed." -foregroundcolor Red
$tsmver = $reg.getstringvalue($HKLM, "software\ibm\adsm\currentversion\backupclient","ptflevel")
write-host $('{0,-17}{1}' -f $_.tolower(),$tsmver.svalue)
write-host $_.tolower() " failed." -foregroundcolor Red
$count += 1
write-host "Total servers: $count"
$endtime = (get-date).subtract($starttime)
write-host "Elapsed time:" $('{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}' -f $endtime.hours,$endtime.minutes,$endtime.seconds)
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